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The incoming Moroccan Presidency of COP22/CMP12 has developed an approach to mobilize the greatest possible number of Parties to ratify, accept, approve or accede, as applicable, the Paris Agreement before COP22. Morocco also underlines the importance of the link, synergy, and interdependence between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (and its subsequent SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.The pre-2020 agenda is among the set of priorities of COP22 and includes expediting the ratification of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, supporting an amendment of the Montreal Protocol targeted at HFCs, supporting developing countries in preparing their National Adaptation Plans and facilitating access to high impact technology for both mitigation and adaptation purposes. The Pre-2020 agenda emphasizes also the need for stronger support initiatives related to food security in the vulnerable regions of the world and for mobilizing and allocating funds to finance adaptation projects.The incoming Moroccan Presidency proposes to maintain the mobilization initiated by the French Presidency of COP21 to encourage as many countries as possible to present their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) during the Marrakech Climate Conference. The objective is to maintain the dynamism and the spirit of mobilization, trust and high ambition in view of continuing the acceleration of action.Mechanisms of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) are essential to transparency, which is a guiding principle of the Paris Agreement. Likewise, transparency is essential to MRV. COP22 will be the COP for the definition of the best possible tools to ensure the effectiveness of MRV mechanisms.At COP22, Parties are expected to clarify the linkages between the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries established under 2/CP7 and the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB). The objective is inter-alia to strengthen the capacity of Parties to formulate, communicate and carry out their NDCs and NAPs. COP22 will also suggest to commission a report on the main barriers affecting access to technology, and to develop an analytical framework for the identification of high impact technologies to target as a matter of priority in the areas of mitigation and adaptation.Financing is a high expectation of developing countries and one of the key components for the operationalization of the Paris Agreement. The upcoming Moroccan Presidency is committed to working towards accelerating targeted, efficient and user-friendly flows of climate finance to beneficiaries and to support and ease access to finance for projects, on mitigation and adaptation, in particular in vulnerable countries. To this end, Parties, public and private financial institutions will be invited to consider a “Fast Track Green Finance Facility”.On the other hand, we are deeply convinced of the crucial importance of a mobilization inclusive of Non-State Actors and the Marrakech Conference will propose an open dialogue on the configuration, DR HAKIMA EL HAITE, MINISTER DELEGATE TO THE MINISTER OF ENERGY, MINES, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT OF MOROCCO, IN CHARGE OF ENVIRONMENTHIGH LEVEL CLIMATE CHAMPION, THE COP22 STEERING COMMITTEECOP22 PRESIDENCY INTRODUCTION016 WELCOME