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The 21st century is undergoing an historic energy revolution. Solar is at the heart of this revolution because of its ability to bring clean and affordable energy to all. This is why energy, industry and finance global leaders decided to launch the Terrawatt Initiative (TWI), the first private non-profit organization whose goal is to provide the necessary conditions to unleash the full potential of solar power.AFTER THE PARIS AGREEMENT, IT IS TIME FOR ACTIONThe Paris Agreement will come into force on November 4th 2016, less than a year after being reached – much faster than expected. Now the focus is to find ways and means to contain global warming ‘well below’ 2 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels. This agreement is a major trust factor for the transition to a sustainable energy future. It is expected to foster a virtuous circle of policy support for renewable power generation along with large-scale deployment, substantial cost reductions and technological improvements. We, as TWI, believe that especially for emerging countries, such a development of renewable generation could be an unprecedented opportunity.AFFORDABLE SOLAR POWER IS AT THE HEART OF TWIWhile COP21’s ambitions clearly called for a reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions, almost 20 per cent of the world’s population still lacks access to electricity. Any village and community with high solar exposure should no longer be in the dark. Ensuring access to affordable and clean energy makes up the seventh Sustainable Development Goal (‘SDG’) adopted by world leaders in September 2015. We, as TWI, believe that education, social emancipation and gender equality cannot all be addressed without massive increases in energy supply in developing and emerging countries. It is our responsibility not to leave aside those who are deprived of energy today and who are largely the most vulnerable to climate change.Achieving the 16 other SDGs depends heavily on the implementation of the seventh SDG, because economic growth and access to low carbon energy are closely intertwined.Reaching mitigation targets will require a massive replacement of existing capacity by solar power. And reaching adaptation objective will require affordable power deployment, starting with the countries of the International Solar Alliance.At US$30/MWh solar production energy, these objectives can be achieved. Today, US$30/MWh solar power is already a reality, making solar power the most competitive source of globally deployable electricity.MASSIVE SOLAR DEPLOYMENT IS THE MOST CONCRETE WAY TO TACKLE ADAPTATION ISSUESWe estimate that a 2.5 TW deployment (ca. 800 MW/day) is needed to meet both the COP21’s gas emissions objectives and the UN’s energy access goals and adaptation issues.“ANY VILLAGE AND COMMUNITY WITH HIGH SOLAR EXPOSURE SHOULD NO LONGER BE IN THE DARK”ISABELLE KOCHER, CHAIRPERSON, TERRAWATT INITIATIVE,CEO, ENGIE AFFORDABLE SOLAR POWER FOR ALLwww.theterrawattinitiative.org052 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY