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The Paris Agreement last December set out a global action plan to limit the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, most significantly CO2, in order to keep global warming well below 2°C. To achieve this, it was recognized that it was not only necessary to reduce emissions but also that one needed to have negative emissions, that is remove greenhouse gases which are already in the atmosphere (see: Implicit in the above conclusion is that we need to Close the Carbon Cycle by developing technologies that would allow us to remove CO2 already present in the atmosphere (see Global Thermostat’s article on page 102).We can now implement a Human Designed Carbon Cycle Run by Renewable Energy (HDCCRRE) that can enable a Renewable Energy and Materials Economy (REME) that in the 21st Century will: 1. provide energy security2. increase global prosperity so that global equity can be achieved3. significantly mitigate the environmental degrad-ation due to resource extraction4. remove the threat of climate change.There are three technologies needed, whose implementation can begin today, for HDCCRRE to enable the REME era of global security and prosperity in a way that is environmentally sustainable. In REME: 1. renewable energy will be used and fossil carbon use will be phased out; 2. CO2 from the air and hydrogen from water will be used as the feedstock to produce our liquid fuels for our transportation sector as well as our hydrocarbon-based chemicals, pharmaceuticals and polymers; and3. CO2 from the air will be used to make carbon intensive building materials such as carbon fibre, replacing over time many current uses of metals and concrete while enabling the removal and sequestering of carbon from the air.DR PETER EISENBERGER, PROFESSOR, EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY; CO-FOUNDER AND CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER, GLOBAL THERMOSTAT LLCRENEWABLE ENERGY AND MATERIALS ECONOMY THE PATH TO ENERGY SECURITY, PROSPERITY AND CLIMATE STABILITYLeft: RENEWABLE ENERGY / MATERIALS ECONOMY MARKETS FOR DIRECT AIR CAPTURED CO2Right: Dr Peter EisenbergerINDUSTRIAL MARKETSBeverage CarbonationGreenhouse AgricultureRefrigeration (dry ice)Water DesalinationPETROCHEMICALPlasticsFertilizerChemicalsPharmaceuticalsRENEWABLE ENERGYGasolineDieselAviationINFRASTRUCTURETransportationBridgesBuildingsElectronics060 CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE