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By the end of 2015, most national governments had signed and ratified the Paris Agreement, which is designed to limit the effect of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on global warming. However, continued action is needed to guarantee success. Mobility’s contribution to GHG levels should not be underestimated; the European Environment Agency’s 2016 EU Greenhouse Gas Inventory identified transport as Europe’s single biggest emitter of GHGs. Without a doubt, hydrocarbon-powered vehicles must become cleaner and more efficient. However, to concentrate solely on vehicles’ tailpipe emissions is over-simplistic. Vehicles burn more fuel when accelerating, and stop-start traffic means more pollution, so we have to make traffic flow more smoothly. We also need to accelerate use of electric-powered vehicles and persuade travellers to vary their habits. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) enable us to do this. Emphasising intelligent, connected mobility solutions, ITS use a series of mechanisms, including dynamic pricing and real-time journey information, to make best use of existing capacity across all modes of transport. Kapsch TrafficCom is a market leader in ITS solutions designed to make our roads, towns and cities cleaner, and to address growth in GHG emissions levels. Its environmentally friendly concepts include:INTERMODAL MOBILITY MANAGEMENTPeople’s reliance upon private transport must be addressed because single- or low-occupancy vehicles chew up road capacity and add incrementally to the carbon burden. Also, for reasons of social inclusion we need to promote the idea that efficient mobility does not require vehicle ownership. The solution is to have travellers think about using all modes of transport, not just cars. We can make their choices easier by providing very accurate, highly personalised, wireless mobility information services. These provide journey time information and availability, navigation, and easy-to-use online booking and payment facilities. They include walking and cycling, private and public transport, and ride-hailing/sharing. This is Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and the key to its success is the provision of common platforms providing a single ‘go-to’ place for all apps and services. Kapsch provides both a platform and a series of class-leading MaaS applications. INTELLIGENT EMISSIONS MANAGEMENTTraffic-related pollution blights many of our towns and cities. The cause is a combination of numbers of vehicles and how polluting some are. Reducing overall numbers within defined geographic areas will help, as will use of cleaner powertrains. This has led some cities to introduce congestion charging zones which drivers must pay to enter. The largest congestion charging schemes – Singapore, London and Stockholm – are the most famous but numerous similar schemes exist elsewhere. In Italy, for instance, many historic town and city centres are protected by congestion charging systems provided by Kapsch. ALEXANDER LEWALD, CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER, KAPSCH TRAFFICCOM AGUNLOCKING MOBILITY’S POTENTIAL“COOPERATIVE ITS (C-ITS)DESCRIBES A SITUATION IN WHICH VEHICLES WILL NO LONGER EXIST IN ISOLATION BUT WILL BECOME PARTS OF THE INFORMATION ECO-SYSTEM ”HOW TO MAKE MOBILITY SMARTER AND CLEANERPictured: Alexander Lewald106 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT