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nitrous oxide. Our Nitrogen Management Programme enables them to track their N-use efficiency, take action to improve it and contribute to lower emissions and higher water quality. Farmers have already completed fencing on farms to exclude stock from 99 per cent, or over 24,000 kms, of waterways. The next step is to undertake riparian planting in these stock excluded areas. We are working towards all farmers having a riparian management plan, guided by GPS mapping of their farms, by 2020. This will support carbon sequestration and achieve water quality benefits. We are working towards implementing Farm Environment Plans with 100 per cent of our New Zealand farmers by 2025. Innovation is the key to addressing global dairy emissions and farmers are fast adopters of proven technology. Fonterra is a key investor in the Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium which is partnering with the NZ Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre to develop practical, science-based tools and technology. This research is part of the Global Research Alliance on Agriculture Greenhouse Gases.Research is focusing on methane vaccines and inhibitors, as well as low-emission feeds and genetics that produce low-emissions animals. It is a work-in-progress and the time being taken reflects the need for technologies which reduce emissions without any impact whatsoever on milk quality or safety.Across our manufacturing sites Fonterra is aiming for a 30 per cent reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and net zero emissions by 2050. To help achieve this we are committed to constantly innovating how we use energy and to adopting energy sources which can replace the use of coal at some of our plants. In the next three years, we will be undertaking pilots to test energy sources such as biomass, and trailing disruptive technologies to decrease energy use. Our energy efficiency programme, the longest-running in New Zealand, has enabled a 16 per cent reduction in the energy we consume per tonne of production (energy intensity) against a target of 20 per cent by 3030. Efficiency gains, techniques such as heat recovery, the use of biodiesel fuel, converting a third of our urban car fleet to electric vehicles and investments in high efficiency technology in new plants are all supporting incremental improvements.As New Zealand’s largest dairy producer, we also contribute to industry initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These include training and development, continued investment in research and contributing to political policy-making which recognises both the challenges of climate change and ensuring sustainable nutrition for a growing population. Pictured: Fonterra farmers have invested heavily in excluding stock from 99 per cent of waterways and in the riparian planting which supports carbon sequestration and higher water qualitySUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) 063