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he youth support programme offered by the PDAid Foundation continues to be a success. Two young Kenyans, John and Benta, were the first participants to enroll in it. Since their participation in the launch event in 2015, they have come further than they would have ever imagined possible. Today, they know they will never return to the living conditions they left two years ago. The mentees of the PDAid Foundation, John and Benta, began their journey when Timothy Challen, the Founder of a Kenyan NGO Kilimanjaro Initiative (KI), encouraged them both to join a youth group on a climb to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Every year, KI organizes a climb to the African summit as a way to raise awareness on social issues that affect young women and men in underserved communities in East Africa and throughout the world. Other participants include youth leaders, members of civil society, UN officials, Public Sector Reps and company CEOs.AN IMPORTANT MEETINGDuring the 2014 climb, John met Danish CEO, Dennis Nielsen, and his wife Pia Nielsen. After digesting his rather stirring life story, Dennis and Pia knew they had to do something to help. Hugely inspired by John and Benta’s story, they established the PDAid Foundation on their return to Denmark. In just one year, the PDAid Foundation launch event took place in Nairobi, with John and Benta announced as the first two participants. Benta describes how her ‘…beautiful journey with the PDAid Foundation began: I was in a youth group called Youth without Walls. Through this group, which is part of KI’s many groups, I got to meet Timothy Challen, who encouraged me to go climb the Mount Kilimanjaro in 2015 after I had shared my life story with him and all the challenges I faced while growing up and as a young woman living in the slums – and that is where it all began. Timothy introduced me to Dennis, with whom we had breakfast. He told me all about his plans for starting a foundation, which he was to launch during the Fight for your Neighbour event and that he wanted me to be a part of it together with John Senteu.’Shortly after their enrollment, John was accepted to the Kenya Institute of Management and Benta to the Kenya Association of Professional Counselors. They have both risen to the occasion and keep thriving in their positions as students.A SUCCESSFUL MENTORING PROGRAMMEWhile economic support, education and personal guidance were focal points during the first year, the Foundation team proceeded to work on the development of a mentoring programme tailored to accommodate talented young peoples’ needs for self-belief and a better future. At the beginning of 2017, the Foundation enrolled an additional five talented youth from disadvantaged communities. At the same time, the mentoring programme came into place and within the first months six expectant mentors finished their mentor training. Geldolph Everts is the head mentor coordinator and trains the mentors who volunteer to join the corps of foundation mentors. MELISSA MCCANN THOMSEN, COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, PDAID FOUNDATIONTHE FOUNDATION FOR TALENTED YOUTH IS A CONTINUED SUCCESSTAbove: John 2017Name: John Senteu LetiteAge: 25 yearsOrigin: Kenya Occupation: StudentAbove: Benta 2017Name: Benedetta Mbeneka Age: 27 yearsOrigin: Kenya Occupation: Student094 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS