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DESIGNSUPPLY CHAIN & PRODUCTIONMANUFACTURING & TESTINGPRODUCT USE & MAINTENANCEEND-OF-LIFEproducts, such as the MOVIA Maxx metro platform and the C Series family of aircraft.Rail accounts for one of the lowest environmental impact, as little as 3.3 per cent of transport related CO2 emissions5. Several key indicators including population growth, increasing urbanization and heightened environmental awareness are expected to continue to drive demand for efficient rail solutions over the next several years. For rail transportation – the most energy-efficient transportation option for cities looking to reduce their CO2 emissions – Bombardier’s products define the category. The MOVIA Maxx metro was especially conceived to provide an eco-efficient and cost-effective solution to fast-growing cities worldwide. More than half of the world’s population already lives in urban areas and almost 180,000 people move to cities each day. This rapid urbanization, especially in Asia, Latin America and Africa, is driving the demand for high capacity, efficient and affordable urban mobility solutions. Metro systems are key drivers of economic growth – providing social mobility and improving quality of life for citizens. Our extensive research and development for the MOVIA Maxx metro has ensured that this new product platform both delivered to operators’ requirements and provided the right solution to help cities grow sustainably. Air transport is also an essential component to the world’s prosperity, social progress and economic growth. With more than 3.5 billion passengers transported by air in 20156, this sector is expected to grow steadily in the future. Aviation accounts for approximately 2 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions generated by BOMBARDIER PRODUCT LIFECYCLE“APPROXIMATELY 80 PER CENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF BOTH RAIL VEHICLES AND AIRCRAFT IS DETERMINED AT THE DESIGN STAGE”References1Key performance targets under certain operating conditions, when compared to aircraft currently in service on short-haul flight up to 500 NM.2 Compared to competitors in the same category.3 Compared to competitors in the same category. Relative to CAEP6 NOx Emission Standards.4 Compared to larger re-engined aircraft.5 International Union of Railways: “Railway Handbook 2014. Energy Consumption & CO2 Emissions”.6 Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders publication, Air Transport Action Group, July 2016.